Sequim School District

Online Payment Portal

Partnering with InTouch Receipting TouchBase


Sign in below using your Skyward credentials.


*Home school students wishing to use this portal to register for athletic activities will first need to contact our registrar at 360-582-3613 to register as a sports-only student.


1st Time Parents

Set your password to create an account.

Username: Your Skyward Parent Access username
Password: Set Password

It may take up to 24 hours after registering with the district before being able to log in here.

Forgot Username or Password?

To recover your username or reset your password.

Forgot Username or Password


 TRANSACTION FEE: There is a $2.40 fee assessed per transaction.

 FOOD SERVICES: You may also log in to Skyward Family Access to check food service balances by clicking here.

****  Food Service deposits are uploaded into Skyward three (3) times each day at: 6:00am, 10:30am, and 6:00pm.  Deposits will need to be made prior to these times to become accessible in student accounts.  ****



For the best viewing with TouchBase, please use Internet Explorer 9 or 10 and have “Compatibility Mode” turned on.  Otherwise, use of other browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari are highly recommended.

If you need additional help contact your school main office.